Understanding the business end of the publishing industry gives writers a better chance to be published in a changing ever-more-competitive market. Like any other business, the publishing industry has rules of etiquette for contacts and submission protocols.
As publishers merge and book distributors diminish, slots for individual books and authors disappear. Writers who hope to be published must be better informed than ever before.
Some writers require more assistance than others to start, complete, revise, and submit their books. We want to give you the quantity as well as quality of service you want.
You may need a professional writer to consider your early ideas and to help you outline them into a strong framework to carry your story. You may then want chapters evaluated while you write, instead of waiting until you have a completed manuscript.
Perhaps you wonder if you have enough research in your story, or too much. Decisions about literary agents, or about which publisher to pursue if you decide not to find an agent, may seem overwhelming. Your needs are specific to you and your work.
Mentoring allows you to connect with a published writer who can provide guidance and answers to your questions as they arise.